Mortgage application
review with AI

Mortgage application
review with AI

Introducing the real estate compliance tool for you and your agents.

Knowd helps you in underwriting by collecting, converting, and validating compliance documents using AI.

Introducing the real estate compliance tool for you and your agents.

Knowd helps you in underwriting by collecting, converting, and validating compliance documents using AI.

Introducing the real estate compliance tool for you and your agents.

Knowd helps you in underwriting by collecting, converting, and validating compliance documents using AI.

Get access

Improve your
processing time
by 50%

Save on deal processing time and administrative costs with an AI workforce.

your application
approval times

Accelerate transactions with pre-reviewed document analysis and a reduction back and forth communications.

Close deals faster by offloading painful
and repetitive processing work

© Knowd Inc. 2023